Thursday 31 December 2009

Best tv opening titles.

1. Flight of the conchords

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Films I love but can't watch.

I was recently thinking, there are some things in my life that I know to be brilliant really adore, but can not enjoy for whatever reason.

Okay, so I bought this movie, watched it, loved it. Watched it several times, loved it each time. A few of the times when I was particularly engrossed, I cried at the end. But then, one night, it happened. Following a girly night in with one friend and A LOT of wine, we decided to put it on, both passed out, and both woke up drunk and ready to be sick. I mean, I'm eighteen now and never been a big drinker, and every time I do drink, I can handle it well. Like really well! Like no sickness, no hangover. But there I am, in pain, on my sofa, watching two heroin addicts smoke in their dirty car, while one shoots up in an extremely infected vein. The character's are sweaty and smelly and dirty and doing disgusting things (for those who've seen it, you know how disturbing the final act of the movie is). So yeah, I was sick and felt sick for the rest of the night, and now, I can never watch that film again. Maybe in 5 years? 10 years? I dunno, maybe, but I know this film is amazing, I just can't watch it.

The reason I can't watch this film isn't due to one particular incident, but more the time period it reminds me of. I first watched this movie on the morning after my friend's 13th birthday sleepover. It was hilarious, and three days later my Dad died.
I later did go through a big Jackass phase, MTV2 late at night, dvds, wild boyz, but even so, those days weren't nice for me. I just remember being 14/15 and starting to constantly be aware of how ugly I felt, how fat I felt; the sadness of feeling left out among friends. The beginning of my eating disorder.

Not technically a movie, but what can ya do. My Dad's favourite song and a video he absolutely LOVED. You get the idea.

Sweet memories of a happy childhood, great kitsch music, makes me emotional.

Sunday 13 December 2009


I love (expect this word to be used a lot) everything about film and have my favourites in every section, so here are the few faves that spring to mind in each category (oh, if only it were that simple).

FILMS: The four I love and cherish, would save in a fire, would lay down my life for.

Lost in Translation (2003)
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind (2004)
Donnie Darko (2000)
Lat den ratte komma in (2008)

Yep, whenever asked "What's your favourite film?" I calmly explain that I have four and can't say one without the others. They've usually heard of a couple, maybe seen one, and undoubtedly regret asking.

If I had to add a few more?

There will be blood (2007)
American Beauty (1999)
Trainspotting (1996)
One flew over the cuckoo's nest (1975)
Anchorman (2004)
Fight Club (1999)
Girl, interrupted (1999)
The Shawshank redemption (1994)
Requiem for a dream (2000)
A Night at the Opera (1935)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Clerks II (2006)
The Hangover (2009)
Legally Blonde (2001)

DIRECTORS: Film school for me 2010; I know & like my directors.

Michel Gondry
Sofia Coppola
Darren Aronofsky
Stanley Kubrick
Danny Boyle
Paul Thomas Anderson
Spike Jonze
David Fincher
Jonathan Demme

ACTORS: Tell me to name 10 actresses I truly love (acting ability-wise), I'll struggle. Tell me to name 30 actors (to the same format) and I'll probably struggle to cut down my list. Top 5?

Daniel Day-Lewis
Kevin Spacey
Jack Nicholson
Sean Penn
Paul Dano

ACTRESSES: I can't list hundreds as I could for their male equivelant, but there are some I absolutely adore.

Kate Winslet
Marion Cottilard
Abby Cornish
Hilary Swank
Reese Witherspoon

(Kate underlined as she's the only one I'm certain can compare to the male actors I listed)
I suppose my problem with actresses are that there are some that seem truly lovely. Friendly, funny, stylish, dedicated, selective in (some of) their roles, full of potential & capability, but don't know just how breath-taking they are

HELLO (is it me you're looking for?)

Just a quick intro I suppose.

I watch a lot of films, way too many, and quite often have things to say about them. I quite often get the sense my friends zone out/don't care when I explain to them how incredible the bowling alley scene from 'There will be blood' is, or how in my opinion Heath Ledger's best performance is in the Australian indie flick 'Candy', so I've created this blog.

I'll vent my anger and express my love for one of the only things I feel passion for (this much, at least) -- Film.

Will anybody ever read this blog? Probably not, but me knowing my written hate for 'No country for old men' is out there will help me sleep at night.